
Digital tendencies for 2021

Tendencies for 2021

If the world we live in was getting more digitalized, with this pandemic it’s undeniable that this digitalisation was accelerated. As so, it’s natural that multiple tendencies arise, some of them boosted by the current context.

The development of technologies allied to the change of consumer’s experience as well as the change of their relation with digital channels is going along with the digitalization of organizations’ processes, that allow the optimization of resources and its bigger efficiency. However, even though we are in a digitalized world, with more automation processes and more innovations, people must continue to be the companies’ focus, once the consumer tends to value more humanized brands and real experiences and connections.

So the question is: which are the digital tendencies for 2021?

1 – Digital services

The choice of digital services as streaming, online classes, communication platforms and videogames were boosted by digital platforms, which consumers got familiar with. The adopted signature model by these platforms has also turned familiar and has developed an opportunity to new businesses based on this model.

2 – E-commerce and selling through social media

Following the concept of e-commerce, which has been thriving during last years and was boosted by the pandemic, the commerce through social media has been intensified too.

Recently, there were changes on social media which allow companies to use their accounts as a selling channel. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest started having catalogues, which allowed to develop this process. This is why it’s now crucial that brands, its products and its services are available online. Digital commerce gives the opportunities of brands to optimize the buying experience in many channels and platforms.

3 – Interactive marketing

The marketing that has been developed through years now predicts an interactive and even sensorial character. In this way, on the website and social media, organizations can offer added value to customers who get engaged with the brand. Some examples of interactive marketing are evaluations, questionnaires, games, research, interactive videos and contests.

4 – Influencers and micro influencers

Influence marketing has been used through years and must continue. However, besides macro influencers, micro influencers must now be a bigger focus. With bigger engagement and interaction ratios, micro influencers tend to have a specific market niche that can get more engaged on social media.

5 – Focus on users generated content

The content generated by consumers, as video or images, and its sharing, allows an organization to be more accessible to its public, with whom it can create a better and bigger relationship.

This content and its reach can overcome the brand’s reach, so clients can market the brand itself. Seen as a more authentic content, this can be an opportunity of relationship between organizations and its clients and as an opportunity of reaching potential clients.

6 – Lives

Live video has become a more popular online content. Instagram and Facebook videos have become more popular, and Twitter, YouTube and, more recently, LinkedIn, have been exploring live video too.

With lives as vital channels to many sectors, specially to fashion, music and entertainment, influencers and brands can also promote lives on social media, turning them into digital events.

Besides, boosted by the pandemic, many events as festivals, fashion shows and concerts were streamed through live video, allowing the audience to live remotely the experiences and promoting its engagement.

7 – Chatbots

Even though chatbots are not a novelty, chatbots have been improved, gaining a spot among the digital tendencies for 2021.  

Chatbots can be extremely useful to offer better experiences to consumers, while bringing benefits to companies. Aside from the resolution of simple problems and reducing pressure to customer support team, they ensure the company’s operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Furthermore, they promote engagement of clients, which enable companies to get insights about their public.

8 – Semanthics search

SEO allows to attract clients to organization’s platforms, when well used. Still in process, the searching tools have been developed, so they can interpret wrong words and fragmented sentences, directing consumers to organizations’ pages. 

9 – Virtual and augmented realities

Virtual reality, which tries to recreate virtually real sensations, and augmented reality, which overlap virtual elements in real environments, have been developed and explored, offering new experiences on marketing, for example.

We’ve been watching the technological and digital development through years, but it was boosted by the pandemic and its consequent digitalization of processes and organizations. 2021’s tendencies are a result of this development and are going to, certainly, be a part of the relationship that brands maintain with their consumers, and that is why it is crucial to organizations to invest on the business communication and getting them more desirable.

Sofia neves, press officer in Media em Movimento



