

assessoria mediatica media em movimento

Media relations: what is it and what is it for?

As a communication tool, media relations is one of the most used tools to ensure the good reputation of companies and brands, guaranteeing public visibility. Media relations seeks essentially to manage the relationship between the company and the press, ensuring that the information disclosed is reliable for journalists to do their work. However, to become …

Media relations: what is it and what is it for? Read More »

editorial collaborations colaborações editoriais pme magazine

Editorial collaborations – position yourself as a specialist

Through editorial collaborations, we give you the opportunity to share your knowledge on the media. This partnership has the focus on editorial collaborations’ content production. These collaborations should have an educational character. must be about a certain topic and must be of interest to the media’s public and must always have an educational character. Writing …

Editorial collaborations – position yourself as a specialist Read More »