
Campaigns that take brands further


It has become increasingly common for companies to invest in digital marketing campaigns to rethink their business model. But what is digital marketing and how can you use it to make your company go further?

Digital marketing is the set of techniques that companies, brands, and individuals use to achieve goals related to the sale of a product or service. This type of campaign has as main objectives to win more customers, boost the success of your brand and create a closer relationship with your target audience.

To help you grow your business on digital, we present you some types of campaigns, from different platforms, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on each of them.

  1. Facebook

The company offers several ways to advertise your brand, both on Facebook and Instagram.

  1. Facebook ads

Facebook Ads is the Facebook’s ad system. Through this platform, you can create ads in various formats for various types of audiences.

Some advantages of Facebook Ads can be:

  • Greater reach of your content by targeting your audience;
  •  Possibility of choosing different formats for your content, such as images; videos; carousel; instant experience;
  •  Availability of data for analysis.

Some disadvantages of Facebook Ads are:

  • The cost of maintenance – over time the costs tend to increase as there is a lot of demand from various companies;
  •  Dependence on sponsorships to reach more people, as the companies’ strategy needs to become permanent.
  1. Instagram Ads

On Instagram, as on Facebook, it is possible to create ads. It is a platform where it is possible to advertise in a simple, practical, and accessible way, by any person or brand.

Here you can create ads with the typical format of photos or videos and thus create more direct contact with your customers and potential customers.

Although in the beginning, it was only the big companies that had access to this tool, nowadays any person or brand, regardless of its size or visibility, can do it.

A major advantage of this type of ad is that just like on Facebook, you can specifically choose your target audience (you can segment by country, age group, gender, language, list of interests, behaviors, among others), which allows your ad to be more successful and, consequently, have a greater reach.

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn can also be a way to communicate your brand by promoting publications. This platform is, of all, the most geared towards the corporate side, however, it is not yet common to see companies investing in campaigns here.

For those looking for new business opportunities and wanting to connect with professionals in similar fields, LinkedIn is the ideal platform to strengthen your digital footprint.

Besides being very credible, you can find many ways to promote your brand and meet people who can help you achieve your goals.

To make sure your strategy works, define the metrics you want to monitor and try to change strategies until you find the one that suits your company best.

After that, try to understand if the audience you are reaching is indeed the one you want, and, depending on that, change the direction of your publications until they reach the initial goal. Success is guaranteed!

Advantages that we can consider when using LinkedIn Ads:

  • One advantage we can point out is the fact that the competition is smaller, that is, since there are not so many companies advertising on Linkedin, your company will benefit and have a greater reach in your campaign;
  • An advantage that only exists in LinkedIn is the huge segmentation, requiring each user to put his professional data, such as job position. This way, it becomes easier to reach the right audience for your business.
  • Twitter

Just like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, Twitter also allows you to promote your publications. Unlike the other platforms, Twitter is not among the most used resources for creating ads, since it is the social network, among these four, that has the lowest number of users in Portugal.

According to this social network, the main goal is to bring interesting and useful ads to each user. It is from a thorough analysis of the audience, looking for keywords and interactions between profiles, that it is possible to increase the chances of being more successful.

What advantages do I have in advertising on Twitter?

  • One of the great advantages of advertising on Twitter is that you will only pay for the ads you promote when they achieve the proposed marketing objectives, i.e., only when they achieve what your company has defined from the start will Twitter charge you.
  • Another advantage of Twitter over other platforms is the fact that it is a social network where the targeting tools are very efficient, since through what users write it is possible to find the most used keywords and, in this way, create ads that match what each user talks about the most.

In Portugal, the percentage of the population that is present on Twitter is minimal and, although it’s constantly increasing, it’s still not significant enough for companies to invest much in it. Still, some brands like Coca-Cola or Netflix have benefited a lot from this social media and have managed to take advantage of it to differentiate themselves and make themselves heard. Since a large part of the population that is on Twitter is mostly young, and belongs to the economically active population age group, the one that is most interested in the issues and that buys more through the Internet, these brands have taken the opportunity to create personas and ads that meet what the Twitter audience wants to hear, being able with that to create more successful campaigns and reach consumers more clearly.

  • Google

Google has Google Ads as its ad system. Here, the company can choose whether it prefers to pay for each person who clicks on its ad or whether it prefers to pay for views. In order for the ad to reach more people, keywords are also defined that are related to the service or product you are advertising and that make your ad appear to the right audience.

Some of the advantages are:

  • The ability to change campaigns already done – if you find faults or think your ad is getting poor visibility, you can cancel it or adjust it according to the direction you want it to take;
  • The data analytics – like Facebook Ads, Google Ads has a platform called Google Analytics that tracks your campaign results and helps you better understand how your ad is performing;
  • The ease of use – Google Ads is very intuitive and simple, which makes the process easier when it comes to placing some content.

With regard to the disadvantages:

  • You need to know your customer specifically, so that you can decide which keywords to use, as without this it is difficult to create a good campaign with this platform;
  •  The investment required tends to increase – the more searched for your keyword, the more expensive it becomes to promote your ad and place it among the first places in searches.

That said, you should be asking yourself right now: which option is the best?

If possible, use more than one. Depending on what your company’s goal is, look for the one that will bring you the most return. Decide according to the profile and characteristics of your company and try to understand which platform will have a denser audience. Never forget that it is also essential to develop a good marketing strategy that complements the digital one.

What are you waiting for? Choose your ad now and take your brand further!

By: Mariana Guerreiro, Digital Marketing Trainee









