
How to communicate technology in the technology era?


Can you still remember what the world was like without technology? It seems like an eternity, but the Internet only appeared in the mid-80s and, even then, it had not taken over society, it was something unknown. This started to change between the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 2000s, and in 2012, more than 2.4 billion people, one third of the world population, already had access to the internet. Nine years later, this reality assists almost the entire world population.

The boom was so big that companies had to adapt quickly to this situation. Everything has changed, the way of doing business, of appearing, of being present in digital media… In fact, for the majority of new generations, if the company does not have an online presence, the first generalized thought is that it either does not exist or does not inspire confidence, in addition to having it, it has to be well worked. And this is where we come to an important point: How to have a solid presence in digital media?

We always hear about digital marketing with “monsters” like SEO, SEA, Copywriting, Social Media Marketing, Google Analytics and this is what we will demystify right away, but first of all, you need a website.

And to build a website, you need to register a domain (which should be considered and related to the name of the brand in question), which is nothing more than the address and the indication of where the website will run. That said, it is necessary to choose accommodation to host our website, emails and documents that you want to store online. Our suggestion is to define the objective, what you are going to communicate, what you are going to sell, what the target is and what the essence of the brand is.

Having the website created, it is necessary to draw attention to it and, consequently, to the company in question. Search Engine Marketing, which encompasses SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising), will help us to do that.

Let’s start with SEO, which is nothing more than a set of good practices for indexing sites on search engines, it consists of improving the quantity and quality of visitors to the site, through natural results in search engines, however it is a continuous process and time consuming and the results of which will appear after careful and persistent work.

Regarding SEA, it is based on paying to have links (ads) to a website, shown in relevant search results. These are usually paid per click, and the tool to use is Google Ads.

You have certainly heard of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn, but what if we ask you if you know Twitch, Snapchat or Tik Tok? Currently, there are several social networks that are present in everyone’s life. It is up to the company to identify which platforms it intends to appear on.

However, it is not enough to appear, you have to do it with criteria, because the audiences are in several networks and each one has its own specificities. We give you some tips: brands often make several posts a day or week, what we propose is to guarantee presence in more than one network, in different formats such as text, image, video, stories, influencer content, editorial content, as well as campaigns and promoted content, because, increasingly, investment is mandatory to grow and reach.

The result? Notoriety, relevance, top of mind, customer information, brand building, positioning, community creation, reaching a specific target audience, capturing traffic and boosting conversion.

Oh… And don’t forget about Copywriting! This informs and promotes. How do you do it? Through attention, interest, desire and action. And with your copies being clear, short, capable, correct and creative.

With all these platforms created, it is necessary to measure so that it can be improved and better managed. This is how Google Analytics (there are many tools, for all tastes and shapes, but this one is the most used) that will help you to understand where clicks come from, where they went, what they saw on the site why did they see?

Making a more detailed insight in the area of ​​technology, we leave some suggestions that can make the public appreciate your brand more:

  • Bearing in mind that there are technical terms that are normally used abundantly in technology, our first suggestion is to use an accessible and easily understood language.
  • Keeping it simple, we believe that navigation on the platforms of technological companies should be minimal, providing an intuitive experience to its customers, betting on uncomplicated designs, with easy and fast access to the content and that it is accurate and clear.
  • The user must be the center of attention and, in this case, the call to action phrases will be a strong ally, as well as the interactive content, because if it is useful and relevant, it will be the main reason for them to remain on your site.
  • Be transparent at all times, especially when there is a crisis, as the lack of communication will give rise to noise, usually negative, which can permanently damage the brand image.
  • Here is a call to reality: however big and better your company is, remember that there will always be smart people creating. Stay humble and up to date.
  • However, the most important point is the humanization of the technological company, the importance of focusing on people. It is necessary to understand and be available to the human being on the other side of a device or service, because that is why many information technology solutions are created and, later, sold, to make people’s lives easier. Only then will it be possible to transmit information and be understood.

This is a challenging road, full of obstacles and curved curves, however, if you have the necessary tools, combined with a strategy aimed at what your consumer wants, the chances of reaching your destination unscathed will be greatly increased.

João Carreira.



