
Digital presence: do you know what it is and how is yours?

digital presence Presença digital: sabe o que é e como está a sua?

Before starting this new text, I have a simple question: do you know what it is to have a digital presence or how to have one? If the dear reader replied, “Yes, I’m on all social media”, I have to tell you that, unfortunately, your knowledge of the digital world needs an upgrade, but don’t worry, as this article, as always, comes with the intention of helping you in the simplest and most direct way possible. Ready to enter the digital world? Let’s go!

Having a digital presence goes far beyond having a website or, as previously mentioned, a profile that is constantly updated on social media. The digital presence is how your brand positions itself and how it uses digital media to present itself, show itself, and show confidence to its consumers and followers. In addition, digital presence is a time-consuming process and its main bases are: research, content, understanding the needs of your audience, and bringing your consumer closer to your brand.

The secret for having a good online presence

Like the bottom of the ocean, which we say is “infinite”, since human beings have not yet been able to fully explore it, in the digital world it is the same thing: there are several tools and platforms that can help create an online presence and if we were to list and explain all we would be here for a few more days. Therefore, we decided to select the best and most used ones. As we say, knowledge is power;

  • E-mail marketing;
  • Social networks;
  • Google My Business;
  • Corporate blog;
  • Corporate website;
  • Digital campaigns.

E-mail marketing

Yes, let’s start with the most famous topic on our list. No, email marketing has not died, just as television has not killed radio. The question is: if your company knows how to use this tool and does good planning, it will have a good result.

Having a customer’s email is valuable, as this is the easiest and fastest way to contact him or announce the news on your website or store.

Our tip to make your email well-received is: offer something to your consumer, an e-book, a promotional code, treat your customer as you would like to be treated – it seems cliché but it is the purest truth, if someone sent you their email, something personal and unique, it means they trust you, so why not do something to show that you care about them?

Social media

We got to the topic that everyone loves and, perhaps, the most essential one today.

It is believed that much of the world is connected to at least one social media, that is, at least once a day, someone will see your brand in this digital space. The big difference is the agile form, the use of informal expressions, and the ease of being able to be connected with your audience. However, just as each customer is different, so is social media. Twitter is different from Instagram, which is different from Pinterest, which is different from Facebook, which is different from Tinder, that is, it is of great and extreme importance to know and understand how they work. Sometimes a post can become viral on one social media and be forgotten on the other. Hence also the importance of adapting your content through the social media in which you are publishing – theme for a new article that will soon be online.

Google My Business

As in the previous cases, this is a free and easy-to-use tool for you to manage the online presence of your business on Google, not to mention Google search and, of course, Google Maps.

According to Google, companies that use this tool end up having twice the chance of winning the trust of their users, after all, who is going to disagree with the greatest search engine of all time? Therefore, it is essential to keep your company’s registration always up to date on Google My Business, with the right address, photo, opening hours, and all kinds of information that is relevant to your business.

Corporate Blog

The corporate blog is one of the main tools to have a good online presence, in addition to creating a relationship with customers and future customers. You see, on a blog, you can create content different from that of social media, different from that of email marketing, they can show more about what your company does, in addition to being able to talk about other subjects.

Do not forget to have your blog optimized for SEO, that is, make your blog relevant in search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing, for example. I must say that this is a tool that helps your business to become a reference in your type of market.

And, of course, I could not leave aside the most important factor of a blog, you know? A tip: we’ve talked a lot about it: update! It is of great importance to keep your blog up to date and try your best to bring new things, generate new types of content, and any type of information that is useful for your client.

Corporate Website

Well, I should not be the one to say that if my dear reader wants to open a business, having a website is the first and most important step of all! Here is a question: tell me a company that does not have a website and that has been successful? It is difficult, not to say that it is an almost impossible task.

The website is where people will look for your business, they will want to know who you are. In short, it is the face of the company, the space you have to publicize your products, services, tell the company’s story, in addition to being the place where people will find the best way to be able to contact you and, of course, where people can find your blog too.

As mentioned in the previous topic, your website should be optimized for SEO and, of course, it should be easy to navigate – imagine having a website where people cannot click on anything and the photos are of poor quality? Image is everything and, believe me, in the digital world it is much easier for your company to lose or gain credibility due to small details.

Digital campaigns

Finally, but not least, we come to the last topic on our list. You can’t talk about digital presence without talking about digital campaigns. Think with me: If the internet is a place where everyone is present, almost 24 hours a day, why not make these people notice your company?

One of the differences between digital campaigns and offline campaigns is the power of segmentation. In the online world, it is much easier to segment and determine who you wish to impact, another difference is the possibility to measure exactly the return on investment obtained with your campaign.

Digital campaigns are an easy and quick way to reach your audience, in addition, we can see almost “live” what they are saying about your campaign (Can you see the power of social media yet? Haha).

Now that you know a little more about digital presence, will you want to continue to stay out? Contact us to help you become more visible to anyone who wants to impact.

Pedro Montijo

Other sources:

GULKA, Juliana Aparecida e LUCAS, Elaine Rosangela de Oliveira – “Presença digital em portais de periódicos: proposta de análise”. From: https://www.redalyc.org/jatsRepo/4656/465650499009/html/index.html

HAUSCHILD, Tatiana – “A Influência da presença digital das empresas nas decisões de compra dos consumidores.” From: https://www.univates.br/bdu/bitstream/10737/1969/1/2017TatianaHauschild.pdf


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