
Invest in your company’s events

eventos media em movimento

Organizing an event at your company seems easy, but there are logic and procedures that you should not skip. Find out what you must do to make your event memorable.

“We organize our parties” is one of the most heard expressions by those who organize events, but later details are escaping that make all the difference.

From the elaboration of the invitation, which should have its unique image, to the place that must be accessible to everyone and guarantee parking. These are just a few details that will determine the experience.

The entrance or beginning of the event must be amazing, to stand out by elegance. Then, the event’s alignment must have storytelling, culminating in a higher point – whether it is a speech, a birthday cake, or a formal presentation.

Organizing an event and not doing photo and video coverage are common oblivions, or at least, are not usually on the list of companies’ priorities. Pure mistake, because those photos will be precious to promote the event and extend the experience to social media, website, or the company’s newsletter.

There are so many details that make a difference in an event and, sometimes, internal teams are overwhelmed with work and cannot handle everything.

Choose a specialized partner to organize your event – birthday, corporate, or institutional. Choose Media em Movimento and we will make a difference!