
Signs of a crisis in your business

Sinais de uma crise no seu negócio

A “crisis” is usually perceived by signs that can prevent a greater impact on your business. Here we list some with their respective categories that can help you quickly identify.

An incident or an accident, a rumour, a complaint, a delay in the payment of wages, a dismissal, a threat of a strike, a news in the press, or even in social media, can be a reason for crisis for your company.

Several situations can trigger a crisis, so start by classifying them:

. Problem – it can be any daily situation, and it can evolve according to the relevance you attribute, and the type of risk associated. Therefore, it is better to have a risk management process in place in your company.

. Incident or Emergency – are happenings that affect the company’s operation, whether it is human or technological. They require immediate intervention and must be included in a Business Continuity Plan.

. Crisis – it can be anything that damages the organization’s image or damages its relationship with society, customers, shareholders, investors, partners, regulatory bodies, public authorities, and other interested parties. It is usually unpredictable and requires an immediate and collective response.

Thus, you should give priority to each sign of a “potential crisis” because an unresolved issue can become giant when it is not dealt with at the beginning.

Leader or Follower?

The Brazilian philosopher and economist Eduardo Gianetti answered in an interview to the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo that

“Crisis reveals the quality of a leader. Some leaders grow up in a crisis and others shrink.”

Point out the five signs you can feel at the time of a crisis:

1. Difficulty in deciding – evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each decision scenario
2. Loss of focus
3. Weak emotional control
4. Defeatism
5. Escape

Stay strong, even in the most difficult decisions, focus on your business area, involve the personnel, and choose to Grow or Shrink facing the situation you are living in.

Learn more about Crisis Management and continue to protect your business.

Mafalda Marques, general director of Media em Movimento


  • Manual de Segurança Alimentar, ASAE, 2014
  • Gestão de Crise e Comunicação, Joao José Forni, Atlas Editora
  • CRISES – De Ameaças a Oportunidades: Gestão Estratégica de Comunicação de CrisesAntónio Marques Mendes e Francisco Costa Pereira, Edições Sílabo
  • Gestão de Crise, Joaquim Caetano, Maria Vasconcelos e Paulo Vasconcelos, Editorial Presença