
Media em Movimento distinguished for promoting diversity

promoting diversity equipaMM_Selo Diversidade media em movimento

Media em Movimento was one of the organizations distinguished with a honorable mention of the Seal of Diversity, in the Portuguese Charter for Diversity Gala.

The Seal of Diversiry is promoted by the Portuguese charter of Diversity to award inspiring practices of diversity and inclusion in organizations.

The applications for the Seal of Diversity can be done every two years in six different categories: management commitment and of other hierarchical levels, organizational culture, human resources, professional development and career progression; communication of the principles of the Portuguese Charter for Diversity; work conditions and accessibilities.

Media em Movimento was awarded an honorable mention in the category “Communication of the principles of the Portuguese Charter for Diversity, and the Seal of the category was awarded to Fundação AFID Diferença.

“Media em Movimento was created to give voice to small and medium companies, in and outside Portugal. It is up to us to contribute with positive and responsible contents which promote diversity, inclusion and tolerance. We do it actively in our day to day work, especially with the press. Signing the Portuguese Charter for Diversity was only the public confirmation of a commitment that is part of out DNA as an agency and a team”, highlighted Mafalda Marques, general manager of Media em Movimento.

Media em Movimento signed the Portuguese Charter for Diversity in november 2016.